Q2.com Rebranding
Working as a team with two other web designers, multiple copywriters, our in-house development, motion designers, the video team and graphic designers, third-party developers, project managers, and multiple higher management members to take part in the complete redesign of the Q2.com website. The website was split up among the web designers, and I built over 20 plus pages as part of that team. The goal of this redesign was to make the Q2 Software more modern and help show the new product offerings, including AI. All of these pages were designed using Figma.
The Challenge
For the Q2.com rebranding, we worked in design sprints in an agile environment with tight deadlines because many people needed to sign off on each page. We met regularly with various managers to iterate each page and to make sure those changes fell within the decided UI/UX for the site. The were multiple dates that the groups of pages needed to be handed over to a third-party developer group that we had to get out on time due to animations and the progressive launch date. Here are a few other challenges we had to take into play:
Any edits needed to not change what was the goal or the function allowed
The design kept changing for a couple of months before the final design was agreed upon
We were allowed to make new modules if they had a needed purpose
Staying on time and in budget
There were a lot of newer pages that were added along the way
A lot of iterations for everyone involved
Taking products or charts and redesigning them into a more conceptual look
The Solution
Once the design was chosen, we then went back and updated any older pages that were worked on with a different design from the start or redid the pages from scratch. The graphic design team members were very helpful in taking on some of the graphic visuals while we focused on the site itself (although we designed many of the hero and internal page graphics also) we worked as a team on that. Including, working as a team with the motion designer by mocking up a look and walking them through how the animation should work and being open to suggestions and the limitations of Lottie.
The New Design
The new design was built straight from teamwork, there were so many parts and pieces to these pages and it kept changing course. The site now looks like our new branding and everything going forward will have this new UI to be played off of as a consistent unity in design. Here are a few notable things about the new design:
Much more modern than the past design
Bringing a lot of glass morphism
Animation with a purpose
Bringing in various outliner sites that were part of the Q2 Software company and rebranding them into Q2.com
This site was built with a lot of iterations, communication, and most importantly teamwork. There would be times were we would hop on to another person’s page that they had designed and help to fix things while they were out or busy with something else. That level of teamwork was needed for everyone involved in this project which took over 4 months to be built. It was a proud moment for everyone when this was built and there are still pages being added as the year goes on.
Copy on the website: multiple copywriters
Front End Developer: to be built by 3rd party (non-Q2 Software) and in-house Dev