UX & Graphic Designer

CISCO Live Trade Show


CISCO Live Trade Show

Target: Visitors and future customers of Fluke Networks who would be attending the CISCO Live Trade Show in Las Vegas, NV in 2010.

Role: The main hanging graphics were designed and worked on by a team of designers, including myself. The other material I designed from comp to completion were: a TV wall, a poster and a t-shirt.

Hanging banners, designed by myself and other designers as a team

Hanging banners, designed by myself and other designers as a team

Hanging banners, designed by myself and other designers as a team

Hanging banners, designed by myself and other designers as a team

Hanging banners, designed by myself and other designers as a team

Hanging banners, designed by myself and other designers as a team

Contest poster

Contest poster

TV wall display

TV wall display

Event t-shirt (I coordinated the printing directly with the vendor )

Event t-shirt (I coordinated the printing directly with the vendor )